Tuesdays with Torah | Jewish Care:What it is and why should I care?

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Care is a strange word. We know care when we see it, but it is hard to define. We give care and we receive it. We care about ideals and principles. Sometimes it is nice not to have a care in the world. In Hebrew, there are several words that we could use when one [...]

Tuesdays with Torah | Jewish Care:What it is and why should I care?

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Care is a strange word. We know care when we see it, but it is hard to define. We give care and we receive it. We care about ideals and principles. Sometimes it is nice not to have a care in the world. In Hebrew, there are several words that we could use when one [...]

Tuesdays with Torah | Holocaust Remembrance Day

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Let us explore the question: Can the Jewish people be sustained by its civil religion? The memory of the Holocaust and its lessons have been integrated into Israeli and American Jewish society both in tandem and at odds over the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We will explore the ways in which the Holocaust has helped [...]

Tuesdays with Torah | Holocaust Remembrance Day

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Let us explore the question: Can the Jewish people be sustained by its civil religion? The memory of the Holocaust and its lessons have been integrated into Israeli and American Jewish society both in tandem and at odds over the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We will explore the ways in which the Holocaust has helped [...]

Wise Learning Guest Speaker Series: Yochanan’s Gamble

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Approximately two thousand years ago, a rabbi named Yochanan made a pivotal and pragmatic decision that would shape the fate of the Jewish people. By examining how the rabbis navigated their own ethical challenges—determining truth, upholding compromise, convincing others, maintaining peace with neighbors, avoiding infighting, and weighing sinning in hopes of promoting a greater good—Rabbi [...]

Tuesdays with Torah | Constantine’s Sword: the Jews, the Early Church, and the History of Antisemitism

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

In this class, we will explore how the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth – who lived his entire life as a Jew – became the focal point of a new religion. We will also look at the relationship between the Jewish people and the early church, including antisemitism in late antiquity and the [...]

Torah Take 2 | Voices of Jewish Wisdom: Exploring Spirituality, Ethics, and Social Justice through the Teachings of Renowned Jewish Philosophers

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Who or what is God? What is the purpose of prayer? What does it mean to live an ethical Jewish life? Join us as we wrestle with some of the biggest philosophical and theological questions Judaism has to offer. We will read excerpts from modern and contemporary Jewish thinkers like Martin Buber, Abraham Joshua Heschel, [...]

Tuesdays with Torah | Constantine’s Sword: the Jews, the Early Church, and the History of Antisemitism

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

In this class, we will explore how the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth – who lived his entire life as a Jew – became the focal point of a new religion. We will also look at the relationship between the Jewish people and the early church, including antisemitism in late antiquity and the [...]

Torah Take 2 | Voices of Jewish Wisdom: Exploring Spirituality, Ethics, and Social Justice through the Teachings of Renowned Jewish Philosophers

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Who or what is God? What is the purpose of prayer? What does it mean to live an ethical Jewish life? Join us as we wrestle with some of the biggest philosophical and theological questions Judaism has to offer. We will read excerpts from modern and contemporary Jewish thinkers like Martin Buber, Abraham Joshua Heschel, [...]