The War in Israel

The resources on this page have been compiled by Wise Temple rabbis and staff to help our community access trustworthy and valuable information related to the war in Israel. Resources are divided into sections, including Ways to Support, Youth & Parents, and Education & Understanding. Please bookmark this page and review it regularly, as it will be updated as additional information becomes available.


The following organizations are collection donations where funds directly support Israel and Israelis. Specifics of where funds are directed are included beneath each organization name.

Friends of the IDF (FIDF)

  • The sole organization authorized to collect charitable donations on behalf of the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces across the US
  • Emergency Campaign supports temporary field hospitals, intensive care ambulances, hygiene kits, plasma kits, and the IDF’s greatest needs

  Jewish Agency for Israel – North American Council

  • The Jewish Agency’s Fund for Victims of Terror is a first responder when terror strikes, providing immediate assistance to terror victims, arriving with checks within 24-48 hours of an attack, and following up with long term rehabilitative support. The aid provided is critical for victims’ immediate well-being and long-term ability to recover. 

  Jewish Federation of Cincinnati

  • Supports victims of terror
  • Help rebuild damaged infrastructure
  • Addresses the unprecedented levels of trauma caused by this horrific attack

  Jewish National Fund (JNF)

  • Supports evacuation from hardest hit communities on the border, including transportation and emergency housing
  • Offers psychological treatment
  • Provides firefighting and protective equipment to those on the front lines
  • Provides hygiene, bedding, and care packages to those in need
  • Gives the local communities the promise of rebuilding for tomorrow

  Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

  • Expands mental health interventions for children and youth at risk
  • Strengthens the capacity of nursing homes welcoming elderly Israelis who have fled from the current conflict zone
  • Provides emergency support for people with disabilities, including access to a hotline with social workers and psychologists
  • Supports small businesses and entrepreneurs in southern Israel so they can remain open and financially stable during this uncertain time
  • Provides the government of Israel, social workers, and healthcare professionals with critical data on vulnerable populations at this time
  • Trains front-line professionals to meet the unprecedented needs among the most vulnerable children and families, the elderly, and people with disabilities

 Magen David Adom (MDA)

  • Provides emergency medical services with over 2,000 ambulances and intensive care units across Israel, with donations applied to ambulances and medical equipment, protective equipment, and bandaging equipment to help save lives

United Hatzalah 

  • A community-based volunteer emergency medical services (EMS) organization committed to providing the fastest response to medical emergencies across Israel, even prior to the arrival of ambulances and completely free of charge
  • Emergency Campaign for Emergency Equipment: Equip an additional 1,000 United Hatzalah volunteers with protective vests and helmets, oxygen tanks, defibrillators, trauma bandages, and tourniquets

FAQs: Requests for Donations of Equipment for Soldiers

  • Valuable information compiled by the Jewish Federations of North America on the state of equipment for Israeli soldiers, along with links to recommended donation channels to support the IDF.


Legislative Action

We invite you to send an email to President Biden, our Ohio and Kentucky Senators and your Congressional representative indicating that as an American Jew, you are grateful for their condemnation of Hamas, their support for Israel, and encourage them to continue their efforts by every means they can offer. In your letter, urge them to do everything possible to pass funding for Israel’s needed requests, and to continue to their support in this protracted war.

Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

  • Join ADL in signing a petition to major media outlets urging them to report on the war in Israel in a responsible, accurate and compassionate manner, ensuring that their coverage not only honors the lives lost, but accurately describes their killers for who they are – antisemitic terrorists. Add your name to the petition here.

American Jewish Committee (AJC)

  • Join the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the global advocacy organization for the Jewish people, in calling on your members of Congress, Governors, Mayors, and City leaders to unequivocally condemn Hamas and to send a clear message: We stand with Israel against terror. Submit this form to instantly send an email to urge our Ohio leaders to support Israel and condemn Hamas.
  • Send a message of love, support, and solidarity to the Israeli people here.

Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA)

  • Urge our elected officials at the federal, state, and local level to speak out and make a clear and unequivocal statement in support for our ally Israel and its right to defend itself by personalizing and sending JFNA’s letter here.

Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC)

  • Join the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC) in sending messages to President Joe Biden and Congress, urging them to continue supporting Israel and confirm a new U.S. ambassador to Israel. Messages are pre-written but may be personalized, and can be sent through this link.

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

  • Write to the ICRC urging them to locate and visit the hostages taken by Hamas into Gaza to ensure their safety and humane treatment. Hostages include Israelis, Americans, women, children, and the elderly. Fabrizio Carboni, the ICRC’s regional director for the Near and Middle East, has already affirmed that “As a neutral intermediary we stand ready to conduct humanitarian visits; facilitate communication between hostages and family members; and to facilitate any eventual release.” Write to the ICRC here (click on Israel and the occupied territories), telling them that the time is now to visit the 150+ hostages in Gaza.

FAQs: Overseas Volunteers in Israel

  • Important information compiled by the Jewish Federations of North America related to those interested in volunteering from overseas.



Learning & Discussion Opportunities

  • Library Resources

    Wise Temple librarian, Andrea Rapp, has assembled a bibliography of materials – both texts and DVDs – to learn more about the conflict. Andrea has divided the titles by topic and included the library reference number. We invite you to contact Andrea, visit our library, and check out titles of interest.