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Tuesdays with Torah | The Art Of Jewish Story-Telling

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Wise Center, Zoom | 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Tuesdays with Torah | The Art Of Jewish Story-Telling

Step into the rich tapestry of Jewish Storytelling with an immersive class, where we delve deep into the timeless tales that have shaped Jewish culture for centuries. Together, we will explore the recurring symbols and archetypes, unique narrative structures, and moral lessons that define the genre of Jewish Folklore. But the adventure doesn’t end there! As part of the class experience, learners will gain access to a curated library brimming with a wealth of excellent Jewish stories. Whether you’re a seasoned scholar or a newcomer to the world of Jewish literature, join us on this captivating journey as we uncover the power and beauty of Jewish storytelling.


Contact Celeste Lawler at 513.793.2997 or clawler@wisetemple.org