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Torah Take 2 | The Whole Megillah: Uncovering the Hidden Meaning of Esther & Purim

Thursday, March 6, 2025

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Wise Center, Zoom | 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Torah Take 2 | The Whole Megillah: Uncovering the Hidden Meaning of Esther & Purim

Purim: We usually think of this holiday as a time for kid’s costumes and carnivals. Yes, this springtime holiday is festive, encouraging us to let loose. The Book of Esther, though, has some important themes that run through it. In this two-part class, come study the Book of Esther with Rabbi Hirsch to uncover some of the deeper messages of this holiday. All are welcome, costumes not required.


Contact Celeste Lawler at 513.793.2997 or clawler@wisetemple.org