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Torah Take 2 | Great Jewish Debates

Monday, April 7, 2025

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Wise Center, Zoom | 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Torah Take 2 | Great Jewish Debates

Since the inception of Jewish history (from Abraham and God to Theodor Herzl and Rabbi Isaac M. Wise), Jews have engaged in the art of deliberation, examination, and disagreement. Looking through the lenses of the Biblical Era, Rabbinic Era, and Modern Era, this class identifies and analyzes some of the most heated and consequential debates of the Jewish People. Beyond the historical, political, ethical, and spiritual challenges presented, what makes these disputations so compelling is that nearly all of them are still being argued today.


Contact Celeste Lawler at 513.793.2997 or clawler@wisetemple.org