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★ Rosh Hashanah Children’s Program (PreK – 2nd Grade)

Thursday, October 3, 2024

10:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Wise Center‍ | 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village

★ Rosh Hashanah Children’s Program (PreK – 2nd Grade)

Children PreK (must be at least 4 years old) through 2nd Grade are invited to join us in the Open Room for holiday-themed stories, songs, and crafts. We will also enjoy some of Wise Center’s outdoor spaces, weather permitting.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Fee of $10 per child per holiday. Limited to first 45 member children.

Contact Courtney Anthony, Director of Education, at 513.793.2556 or canthony@wisetemple.org.