One could argue that Israel’s most important week every year is the 7 days that include Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron and end with Yom HaAtzmaut. On each of these holidays we commemorate important moments within the greater narrative of the Jewish people, while also learning about what it means to be Israeli. Join Matt Check [...]
Who Wrote the Torah? Jamie Starr, Rabbinic Fellow From God to Moses to multiple writers and editors over time, there are abundant theories about the authorship of our central text, the Torah. Investigate some of these theories and discuss how the Torah can still be sacred and relevant to our lives today.
Enjoy dinner with your Wise Temple Community at 5:30, followed by an intergenerational service featuring our Kehillah students. Wrap up this special evening with ice-cream treats at the playground after the Shabbat Service. Cost: $10/family for members, $36/family for non-members
The Freestore Foodbank is the largest emergency food and service provider to children and families in Greater Cincinnati. Join us for a meaningful volunteer activity at Freestore's new campus, packing food boxes for those in need in our community. NOTES: Volunteers must be at least 10 years old to participate; all volunteers will be asked [...]
Together with a parent/special adult, Fourth Grade students will learn about Yom Ha'atzmaut in this hands-on Family Program.
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