Got spent batteries and light bulbs to recycle? Now’s your chance! All types of household batteries and light bulbs will be accepted. Volunteers from Shomrei Olam: Jewish Environmental Advocates of Cincinnati will be on hand to accept the products and take them to Batteries Plus, to be sent on to a recycling facility.
Yehudah Amichai is one of the most important poets in the history of the State of Israel, capturing the essence of Israeli identity and the Jewish past like no other. Join Matt Check, Director of Lifelong Learning, to explore and marvel at some of Amichai's most famous works.
Why is seven years such an important span of time in Judaism, and why does it recur as a motif in Jewish literature? During the first session of this class, we will read and discuss the short story “The First Seven Years” by Bernard Malamud. During the second session we will read selected short essays [...]
YoFI Shababa is a fun, interactive, and musical 30 minute Shabbat morning service for toddlers. Shababa is open and accessible to all; come as you are and when you can. The hour of open play after the service is a wonderful opportunity to see old friends and make new ones!
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