Our Daily Bread Takeaway Bags for the Homeless

Wise Center Picnic Area

There are currently 1,025 people living on the streets of Cincinnati. Let’s once again help the city’s largest soup kitchen, Our Daily Bread, by building takeaway bags of food for those who need it most in our community. Go to the SignUp Genius registration page, and help on one (or more) of the four days [...]

Congregational Trip to Egypt – Information Session

Wise Center, Amberley

Join Rabbi Lewis and Renee Kamrass, who will lead a Journey to Egypt February 3- 12, 2024. Explore the ancient history, contemporary culture, and the Jewish history of Egypt through the course of 34 centuries. The congregational trip will include visits to Cairo, the new Grand Egyptian Museum (the world’s largest archeological museum), the Pyramids, [...]

Tuesdays with Torah: Tevye’s Daughters: a Mirror of Judaism’s Response to Modernity

Wise Center Board Room 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Rabbi Kamrass will kick off the summer of Tuesdays with Torah with this three-part series. Fiddler on the Roof was more than a book, a play or a movie. In many ways it was the “script” for one of Jewish history’s most challenging moment of instability and uncertainty. In our three summer sessions, Rabbi Kamrass [...]

Our Daily Bread Takeaway Bags for the Homeless

Wise Center Picnic Area

There are currently 1,025 people living on the streets of Cincinnati. Let’s once again help the city’s largest soup kitchen, Our Daily Bread, by building takeaway bags of food for those who need it most in our community. Go to the SignUp Genius registration page, and help on one (or more) of the four days [...]