Burgers and Beer with Rabbi Hirsch

Join Brotherhood for this special evening to get to know our new Rabbi, Neil Hirsch! Brotherhood will provide appetizers and guests can purchase food and drinks from the menu. All men of Wise are welcome!

Torah Take 2 | A Jewish Perspective on Jesus | Courtney Anthony

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Who was the historical Jesus of Nazareth? This class will closely examine his life story within the context of the time and place in which he lived. What was daily life like? How would Jesus have practiced Judaism? What was the political climate? And how did a man who lived and died as a Jew [...]

Judaism 101 | Prayer, Worship and the Synagogue (Session #5) | Rabbi Neil Hirsch

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Explore the significance of tefilah (prayer) and the role of the synagogue in Jewish life. Learn about the various components of Jewish worship, the structure of services, and the historical development of synagogues as centers of community and spirituality. Please register by November 15.

Fourth Grade Family Education Program

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Join us for an enriching family education program that deepens our connection to Israel as Jewish people! Discover Israeli customs, culture, and traditions through engaging activities, interactive games, and meaningful discussions. This unique experience will help establish Israel as our shared homeland and strengthen our bonds within the community.

Kehillah #11

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Threes Class Meets

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Sunday Hebrew #10

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH