Join us for an evening of Purim festivity! Don your best costume and get ready to show off your baking skills as we celebrate Purim with games, hamentaschen, and a [...]
Why and How Genocide Happens: The Hornstein Lecture with Scholar Dr. Hollie Nyseth Why do genocides occur and how can analyzing genocide prevent future violence? Over the past few decades, [...]
A virtual evening among friends. Come in your jammies and relax, talk, whine, knit, or whatever for an hour. We’ll be here every other Wed. night!
A virtual evening among friends. Come in your jammies and relax, talk, whine, knit, or whatever for an hour. We’ll be here every other Wed. night!
A virtual evening among friends. Come in your jammies and relax, talk, whine, knit, or whatever for an hour. We’ll be here every other Wed. night!
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