Got spent batteries and light bulbs to recycle? Now’s your chance! All types of household batteries and light bulbs will be accepted. Volunteers from Shomrei Olam: Jewish Environmental Advocates of Cincinnati will be on hand to accept the products and take them to Batteries Plus, to be sent on to a recycling facility.
Together with a parent/special adult, Fifth Grade students will learn about Conservation in this hands-on Family Program at Gorman Farms.
Together with a parent/special adult, 6th graders are invited to visit Plum Street Temple to learn about its rich history, significance, and connection to Reform Judaism.
4th, 5th, and 6th Grade students will be practicing on the bima for the Kehillah Family Shabbat during Kehillah.
Wise Temple partners with Cincinnati Camerata, a mixed-voice choral ensemble of accomplished volunteer singers, on a concert that honors the historic Plum Street Temple. Repertoire will include works by world-renowned composers Felix Mendelssohn, George Gershwin, and Kurt Weill; local composers Rabbi James G. Heller, Maurice Goldman, and Brenda Portman; and the world premiere of Lecha dodi by Cincinnati [...]
One could argue that Israel’s most important week every year is the 7 days that include Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron and end with Yom HaAtzmaut. On each of these holidays we commemorate important moments within the greater narrative of the Jewish people, while also learning about what it means to be Israeli. Join Matt Check [...]
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