Along with his work as Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible and the Languages of the Near East at Hebrew Union College, Daniel Fisher-Livne, Ph.D. is the Assistant General Editor for [...]
Join us for an exciting series of Sunday afternoon hikes as we explore some of Cincinnati's hidden gems and scenic trails. Each hike concludes with an optional social gathering at [...]
Since the inception of Jewish history (from Abraham and God to Theodor Herzl and Rabbi Isaac M. Wise), Jews have engaged in the art of deliberation, examination, and disagreement. Looking [...]
Why is seven years such an important span of time in Judaism, and why does it recur as a motif in Jewish literature? During the first session of this class, [...]
Join the Brotherhood for our monthly meeting and dinner. All men of Wise are welcome!
YoFI Shababa is a fun, interactive, and musical 30 minute Shabbat morning service for toddlers. Shababa is open and accessible to all; come as you are and when you can. [...]
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