YoFI Threes Class
Wise Center, AmberleyThe Threes' Class returns in the fall of 2022! Your three year old who is potty trained is invited to this taste of "Kehillah" with two hours of open play [...]
The Threes' Class returns in the fall of 2022! Your three year old who is potty trained is invited to this taste of "Kehillah" with two hours of open play [...]
The Threes' Class returns in the fall of 2022! Your three year old who is potty trained is invited to this taste of "Kehillah" with two hours of open play [...]
The Threes' Class returns in the fall of 2022! Your three year old who is potty trained is invited to this taste of "Kehillah" with two hours of open play [...]
The Threes' Class returns in the fall of 2022! Your three year old who is potty trained is invited to this taste of "Kehillah" with two hours of open play [...]
The Threes' Class returns in the fall of 2022! Your three year old who is potty trained is invited to this taste of "Kehillah" with two hours of open play [...]
For more information on this specific class, please click Class Descriptions to the right.
Enjoy a wild good time as we share a day of Jewish learning and fun together at the Cincinnati Zoo! Cap the day off with a Chanukah menorah lighting before [...]
Come for a Chanukah Menorah lighting and dinner before exploring the PNC Festival of Lights! $10 per person, 2 and under free. Please register by 12/14.
Spirituality, Bible history, Current topics, Israeli issues, and more. All within the context of Torah.
Spirituality, Bible history, Current topics, Israeli issues, and more. All within the context of Torah.
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