Wine Tasting Shabbat Dinner

Wise Center, Amberley

Join us for our 6:15 Shabbat service, followed immediately by our annual Wine Tasting Shabbat Dinner, hosted by Wise’s own Dr. Jim Greenberg.  The evening will feature a delicious, catered meal along with white and red wine pairings.  This year’s wine tasting theme: kosher vs. non-kosher wines!  The wine dinner is always a festive, spirited [...]

YoFi Shababa

Wise Center, Amberley

Kehillah #17

Wise Center, Amberley

Open Room Family Program

Wise Center, Amberley

Together with a parent/special adult, Open Room students will learn about the Jewish value, Tza’ar Ba’alei Chayim: Caring for Animals, in this hands-on Family Program.