Event Series iEngage


Zoom Program

Together and Apart: the Future of the Jewish Peoplehood   In person classes are currently suspended. Please register using the red registration buttons. We will email you login information 24 [...]

Event Series iEngage


Zoom Program

Together and Apart: the Future of the Jewish Peoplehood   In person classes are currently suspended. Please register using the red registration buttons. We will email you login information 24 [...]

Event Series iEngage


Zoom Program

Together and Apart: the Future of the Jewish Peoplehood   In person classes are currently suspended. Please register using the red registration buttons. We will email you login information 24 [...]

JWOOT @ Kings Island

Kick off the summer with an exciting day at Kings Island! Conquer the coasters, ace the arcade, and hang out with friends as JWOOT takes on a Cincinnati classic park.

Women Thrive Yoga in the Park

Join us for an all-levels yoga class! This class will help you clear your mind, stretch and build strength, surrounded by friends.

End of Year Picnic

The Wise Temple Brotherhood invites you to celebrate a great year of learning and community with a fun and delicious picnic meal. Great food and activities will be a perfect [...]