Since the inception of Jewish history (from Abraham and God to Theodor Herzl and Rabbi Isaac M. Wise), Jews have engaged in the art of deliberation, examination, and disagreement. Looking through the lenses of the Biblical Era, Rabbinic Era, and Modern Era, this class identifies and analyzes some of the most heated and consequential debates [...]
David is revered and celebrated in Jewish tradition, yet he remains a controversial figure marked by numerous flaws and blemishes. Join Matt Check for a close reading of selected stories from Samuel 1 and 2, as we examine David's actions, decisions, and their impact on the Israelite nation.
When homelessness occurs, the most basic needs go unmet. Help Shelterhouse break the cycle of homelessness by preparing, cooking and serving a warm meal to the men staying at the shelter while searching for housing and employment. Shelterhouse is Cincinnati’s largest homeless shelter, providing safety, nourishment, case management, and health & employment services to 210 [...]
Since the inception of Jewish history (from Abraham and God to Theodor Herzl and Rabbi Isaac M. Wise), Jews have engaged in the art of deliberation, examination, and disagreement. Looking through the lenses of the Biblical Era, Rabbinic Era, and Modern Era, this class identifies and analyzes some of the most heated and consequential debates [...]
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