Join Wise Temple's own Lauren Abrahams for a yoga class for EVERYONE on a summer Sunday morning in beautiful Sharon Woods. Bring your yoga mats to the Red Tail Shelter, where we will come together either in the open air or under the shelter (if the weather does not cooperate). This class is open to [...]
The Revival of the Hebrew Language in Pre-State Israel Matt Check, Director of Lifelong Learning Don’t miss this session on the fascinating history of the modern Hebrew language. Eliezer Ben Yehuda not only revived the ancient language, but did so in a way that included his entire nuclear family - for better and for worse. [...]
Kickoff Labor Day weekend with this fun family-friendly event. Head to the Wise Center back parking lot for burgers and dogs (vegetarian options available), followed by a casual Shabbat service. Social Hall & Library Rain Backup
Amy Spitalnick will join us IN PERSON from Wise Center for a moderated conversation about her past, present, and future work, including the successful Charlottesville lawsuit, the new lawsuit against Patriot Front, and her goals for the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), where she currently serves as CEO. Join us at Wise Center or [...]
YoFI Shababa is an interactive, sweet, and meaningful 30 minute Shabbat morning service, accompanied by guitar. It is multi-generational and accessible to come as you are and when you can; and to bring family, neighbors, and friends. Following the service, there are snacks and open play until your child-ren are ready to go home!
S'lichot service with Rabbi Kamrass, Rabbi Goodman, and Aaron Torop, Rabbinic Fellow, preceded by dessert at 8:00 pm. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE
Join us for a screening of GOLDA (PG-13), a new film starring Helen Mirren as Golda Meir and Liev Schreiber as Henry Kissinger. Described as a “ticking-clock thriller set during the tense 19 days of the Yom Kippur War in 1973,” you can read more about the film and watch the trailer by clicking here. [...]
Join the Brotherhood for our monthly meeting and dinner. All men of Wise are welcome!
Gather at Pioneer Park for a sweet and musical Tashlich service in preparation for Rosh Hashanah. REGISTRATION REQUESTED
Service with Rabbi Goodman (sermon) and Rabbi Kamrass; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE Note: Erev Rosh Hashanah service will take place at Plum Street Temple only. There will NOT be an Erev Rosh Hashanah service at Wise Center.
Families with children grades 1-6 are invited to pray, sing, and reflect together in a service led by Rabbi Kamrass (story) and Aaron Torop, Rabbinic Fellow; Betsy Singer-Lefton, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE
Service with Rabbi Goodman (sermon); Kimberly Lazzeri, cantorial soloist.
Babysitting is available for children, ages 6 month - 3 years old, at Wise Center for members those attending the Rosh Hashanah morning service at Wise Center. The program will be staffed by Jackie Preston, this year's Kehillah Threes program teacher. REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Fee of $10 per child per holiday.
Children PreK (must be at least 4 years old) through 2nd Grade are invited to join us in the Open Room for holiday-themed stories, songs, and crafts. We will also enjoy some of Wise Center's outdoor spaces, weather permitting. REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Fee of $10 per child per holiday. Limited to first 45 member children. Questions? [...]
Led by Rabbinic Fellow, Aaron Torop, join other Wise Temple teens celebrating Rosh Hashanah and participate in a service project to help create a world with more justice. Open to all teens 8th-12th grades and taking place during morning services, this program will provide a meaningful, engaging and participatory way for teens to celebrate Rosh [...]
Service with Rabbi Kamrass (sermon); Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE
3:30 PM - Apple-themed snacks and New Years crafts 4:00 PM - Brief Rosh Hashanah worship experience Led by Rabbi Burke and Rabbi Goodman, this adorable service is geared especially toward our youngest cohort, infants through kindergarteners, with a special place for parents, older siblings, and grandparents. The brief service includes music, movement, and a [...]
Join Wise Temple Brotherhood to cheer on the Reds! Get your tickets today for a fun night out at Great American Ballpark on Tuesday, September 19th as the Reds face the Minnesota Twins. Bring your family and meet friends at the game. Limited number of tickets are available, so act quickly. Deadline to register is [...]
Families with children grades 1-6 are invited to pray, sing, and reflect together in a service led by Aaron Torop, Rabbinic Fellow (story) and Rabbi Goodman; Betsy Singer-Lefton, cantorial soloist.
Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Kamrass (sermon); Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Goodman (sermon); Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist.
Yom Kippur is an opportunity to examine our missteps individually and societally. Being a student today means confronting the reality of our societal inaction that has perpetuated the reality of gun violence in schools and a mental health crisis among teens. During Kol Nidre, 8th-12th grade students are invited to participate in a facilitated conversation [...]
Families with children grades 1-6 are invited to pray, sing, and reflect together in a service led by Rabbi Goodman; Betsy Singer-Lefton, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE
Service with Rabbi Kamrass (sermon) and Aaron Torop, Rabbinic Fellow; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist.
Children PreK (must be at least 4 years old) through 2nd Grade are invited to join us in the Open Room for holiday-themed stories, songs, and crafts. We will also enjoy some of Wise Center's outdoor spaces, weather permitting. REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Fee of $10 per child per holiday. Limited to first 45 member children.
Babysitting is available for children, ages 6 month - 3 years old, at Wise Center for members those attending the Yom Kippur morning service at Wise Center. The program will be staffed by Jackie Preston, this year's Kehillah Threes program teacher. REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Fee of $10 per child per holiday.
Service with Rabbi Kamrass (sermon) and Rabbi Goodman; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE
Join Rabbinic Fellow, Aaron Torop for an informal study session on a topic of the season.
Orly Erez-Likhovski, Executive Director, Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) Zoom from Wise Center, Plum Street Temple or home On Yom Kippur Day between our Morning and Afternoon Services, Orly Erez-Likhovski, Executive Director of the Reform movement’s Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC), will engage in conversation from Jerusalem with Rabbi Kamrass and all in attendance, sharing [...]
Congregants are invited to spend Yom Kippur day at either Plum Street Temple or Wise Center, and participate in a social action project labeling containers for Cincinnati non-profit, La Soupe.
Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE
3:30 PM - Brief Yom Kippur service 4:00 PM - Brief open play in Open Room Led by Rabbi Burke, this service is geared especially toward our youngest cohort, infants through kindergarteners, with a special place for parents, older siblings, and grandparents. REGISTRATION REQUESTED: This is a perfect event to invite young families who are [...]
Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE
Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE Break the fast following services in both locations.
Sukkot & Shabbat Evening Service with Rabbi Kamrass and Rabbi Goodman
Sukkot & Shabbat Morning Service and Torah Study with Rabbi Goodman
6:00 PM Casual picnic dinner by the sukkah in front of Wise Center 7:15 PM Campfire, followed by Havdalah, S’mores & Campout Sponsored by Brotherhood Our 19th Year of celebrating Sukkot by “living in booths” just as our ancestors did! Enjoy a free cookout dinner – simply bring a side dish, salad, or appetizer to [...]
Join Wise Temple’s own Lauren Abrahams for a yoga class for EVERYONE. Connect with others in attendance before and after, and enjoy a well-deserved, relaxing start to your Sunday! This class is open to anyone interested in participating, no matter your age or level of experience, so long as you are comfortable getting up and [...]
Together with a parent/special adult, Third Grade students will learn about Sukkot in this hands-on Family Program.
Celebrate Sukkot, Simchat Torah, and Shabbat with your Wise Temple community. Enjoy a child-friendly meal, a visit to the sukkah, and an intergenerational service as we celebrate these festive holidays together. Dinner - 5:45 PM (REGISTRATION REQUIRED) Service - 6:30 PM
Shabbat & Simchat Torah Morning Service/Yizkor, led by Rabbinic Fellow, Aaron Torop.
Consecration/Simchat Torah Shabbat Morning service, led by Rabbi Kamrass and Rabbi Goodman.
Together with a parent/special adult, Second Grade students will learn about the Torah in this hands-on Family Program.
Kehillah is back in session, and we’re excited to connect with old friends and meet new ones! Immediately following Kehillah head to the back parking lot for a free ice cream treat and fun games! Burgers & hot dogs are available for purchase provided by the brotherhood ($6/person, $18/family). Registration required for lunch only.
Life and Death—It’s in the Courts, the Legislatures and the Talmud: A Jewish View of the Death Penalty Rabbi Lewis Kamrass Rabbi Kamrass will guide us through the complexities of capital punishment, including the clear statements in the Bible, examples like the Rabbinic/Talmudic major shift away from capital punishment, the use of the death penalty [...]
Our first several sessions of Talmud and Rabbinic Judaism Class this year will explore the popular New York Times series known as “The Ethicist,” applying Rabbinic values and sources to discern a Jewish response to the ethical dilemmas posed in this column. Join us as Rabbi Kamrass leads us through the sources from Talmud and [...]
Join the Brotherhood for our monthly meeting and dinner. All men of Wise are welcome!
In conjunction with Wise Temple’s Civic Engagement Committee, Women of Wise and Women Thrive will gather for a light supper and postcard-writing session in support of reproductive freedoms, which will be on the ballot in the upcoming November election. The event will also include a destressing activity to end the evening! Come and eat, chat, [...]
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