YoFI Shababa

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

YoFI Shababa is a fun, interactive, and musical 30 minute Shabbat morning service for toddlers. Shababa is open and accessible to all; come as you are and when you can. The hour of open play after the service is a wonderful opportunity to see old friends and make new ones!

Judaism 101 | Siyyum (Session #11) | Rabbi Neil Hirsch

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Join us for a joyous siyyum, a traditional Jewish celebration marking the conclusion of a significant study period. Reflect on the knowledge and insights gained throughout the Judaism 101 series. Celebrate with fellow participants and share your learning experiences as we bring our journey to a meaningful close. Please register by February 21.

Open Room Family Education Program

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Join us for a meaningful morning centered around the Shema, one of Judaism's most cherished prayers. Explore the significance of the Shema and its role in our daily lives through engaging activities and station rotations. Discover how even everyday routines, like preparing for bed, can be infused with Jewish meaning. Create mezuzah-inspired glass art, design [...]

Kehillah #20

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Sunday Hebrew #19

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Tuesdays with Torah | The Art Of Jewish Story-Telling

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Step into the rich tapestry of Jewish Storytelling with an immersive class, where we delve deep into the timeless tales that have shaped Jewish culture for centuries. Together, we will explore the recurring symbols and archetypes, unique narrative structures, and moral lessons that define the genre of Jewish Folklore. But the adventure doesn't end there! [...]

Wise Learning Guest Speaker Series: We Need to talk about Anti-Semitism

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Anti-Semitism is on the rise across America, affecting both cities and rural areas, in red states and blue states, and manifesting in both subtle and overtly terrifying forms. In We Need to Talk About Anti-Semitism, Rabbi Diana Fersko, a millennial rabbi, explores why we are hesitant to discuss antisemitism and empowers us to combat it.

Torah Take 2 | The Whole Megillah: Uncovering the Hidden Meaning of Esther & Purim

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Purim: We usually think of this holiday as a time for kid’s costumes and carnivals. Yes, this springtime holiday is festive, encouraging us to let loose. The Book of Esther, though, has some important themes that run through it. In this two-part class, come study the Book of Esther with Rabbi Hirsch to uncover some [...]

Family Shabbat Game Night

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Enjoy an evening of family fun with our Family Shabbat Game Night! Join us for a delightful evening featuring a meaningful Shabbat service, delicious dinner with friends, followed by a variety of exciting games suitable for all ages. From giant classic board games to interactive challenges, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Come together, share [...]

NextGen Shabbat

Plum Street Temple 720 Plum St, Cincinnati, OH, United States

NextGen Shabbat

Plum Street Temple 720 Plum St, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Celebrate Shabbat with other young adults at the beautiful Plum Street Temple for a musical Shabbat service. Following the service, Join Rabbi Goodman and the NextGen Band for drinks out in OTR. (Location TBA). All are welcome!