Yom Kippur Evening Family Service (Designed for Elementary Ages)

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Families with elementary aged children are invited to pray, sing, and reflect together in a service led by Rabbi Goodman and Rabbi Hirsch; Betsy Singer-Lefton, cantorial soloist.

Yom Kippur Evening Service

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Kamrass (sermon); Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Goodman (sermon) and Rabbi Hirsch; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist.

Yom Kippur Morning Family Service (Designed for Elementary Ages)

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Families with elementary aged children are invited to pray, sing, and reflect together in a service led by Rabbi Hirsch and Rabbi Goodman; Betsy Singer-Lefton, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE

Yom Kippur Morning Service

Plum Street Temple 720 Plum St, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Service with Rabbi Kamrass (sermon) and Rabbi Burke; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist.

★ Yom Kippur Children’s Program (PreK – 2nd Grade)

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Children PreK (must be at least 4 years old) through 2nd Grade are invited to join us in the Open Room for holiday-themed stories, songs, and crafts. We will also enjoy some of Wise Center’s outdoor spaces, weather permitting. REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Fee of $10 per child per holiday. Limited to first 45 member children. Questions? [...]

★ Yom Kippur Babysitting (6 months – 3 years)

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Babysitting is available for children, ages 6 month – 3 years old, at Wise Center for members those attending the Yom Kippur morning service at Wise Center. The program will be staffed by Jackie Preston, this year’s Kehillah Threes program teacher. REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Fee of $10 per child per holiday. Questions? Contact Rabbi Anna Burke, [...]

Yom Kippur Morning Service

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Service with Rabbi Kamrass (sermon), Rabbi Hirsch, and Rabbi Goodman; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE

Yom Kippur Study Session

Plum Street Temple 720 Plum St, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Join Rabbi Burke for an informal study session on a topic of the season. Questions? Contact Rabbi Anna Burke, Director of YoFI, at 513.538.0392 or aburke@wisetemple.org.

Wise Learning Guest Speaker Series | Israel, Gaza and Beyond: Crisis and Opportunity | Dr. Brigadier General (Res.) Jonatan (Yoni) Shimshoni

Zoom from Wise Center, Plum Street Temple or home Dr. Brigadier General (Res.) Jonatan (Yoni) Shimshoni will present an update on the current situation regarding Israel, the war, and other topical issues. He will then open the session for questions and discussion. Dr. Shimshoni served for 25 years in the IDF in field command and [...]

Yom Kippur Social Action Mitzvah Project: La Soupe

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Congregants are invited to spend Yom Kippur day at either Plum Street Temple or Wise Center, and participate in a social action project labeling containers for Cincinnati non-profit, La Soupe.

Yom Kippur Afternoon Service

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass and Rabbi Hirsch; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE

★ YoFI Yom Kippur Service

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Led by Rabbi Burke and Matt Check, this service is geared especially toward our youngest cohort, infants through kindergarteners, with a special place for parents, older siblings, and grandparents. All are welcome for our brief, musical service and story followed by free play in the Open Room. REGISTRATION REQUESTED: This is a perfect event to [...]

Yom Kippur Yizkor Service

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass and Rabbi Hirsch; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE

Yom Kippur N’eilah Service

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass and Rabbi Hirsch; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE Break the fast following services in both locations.