Yom Kippur Study Session

Plum Street Temple 720 Plum St, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Rabbi Goodman will lead an informal study session on a topic of the season.

Wise Learning – Guest Speaker

Zoom Program

Climate Change: the Science, the Risk, the Solutions with Dr. Michael Oppenheimer On this holiest day of the year, we are adjured to think not of ourselves and our needs, but the needs of the society and creation around us. Dr. Oppenheimer will frame the current understanding of the risks to our earth, as well [...]

Social Action Mitzvah Projects

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

For those congregants spending Yom Kippur day at either Plum Street Temple or Wise Center, a Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank diaper repacking project is available. Another way to turn your fast into philanthropy!

Campfire Family Shabbat

Wise Center, Amberley

Join your Wise Temple community for this casual fireside service at the Wise Center Field. Come early to roast hot dogs in the camp fire and stay late for s'mores and songs. This service is geared towards families with children in grades K-6.