Yom Kippur Social Action Mitzvah Project: La Soupe

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Congregants are invited to spend Yom Kippur day at either Plum Street Temple or Wise Center, and participate in a social action project labeling containers for Cincinnati non-profit, La Soupe.

Yom Kippur Afternoon Service

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass and Rabbi Hirsch; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE

★ YoFI Yom Kippur Service

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Led by Rabbi Burke and Matt Check, this service is geared especially toward our youngest cohort, infants through kindergarteners, with a special place for parents, older siblings, and grandparents. All are welcome for our brief, musical service and story followed by free play in the Open Room. REGISTRATION REQUESTED: This is a perfect event to [...]

Yom Kippur Yizkor Service

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass and Rabbi Hirsch; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE

Yom Kippur N’eilah Service

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass and Rabbi Hirsch; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE Break the fast following services in both locations.

Judaism 101 | The Three Festivals (Session #2) | Rabbi Kamrass

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Explore the significance, traditions, and unique practices of the three major pilgrimage festivals – Sukkot, Passover, and Shavuot. Learn how these festivals have shaped Jewish life and its calendar through the ages.

Kehillah #6

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Fifth Grade Family Education Program

Gorman Heritage Farm 10052 Reading Rd., Evendale, United States

Join us at Gorman Farms for a morning of exploration where 5th graders and their parent or special adult will engage with Jewish teachings on environmental stewardship. Through hands-on activities and discussions, we'll reflect on our responsibility to preserve the natural world, explore our sustainability habits, and brainstorm practical steps for enhancing environmental stewardship in [...]

Sunday Hebrew #5

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH
Event Series Jewish Postpartum Circle

Jewish Postpartum Circle

Mayerson JCC

Facilitated by Amanda Laskowski, Founder of Cincy Postpartum, a community that has supported over 500 women since May 2022. Discover a comfortable and supportive space to ask questions and connect with other Jewish moms in the same transformative season of postpartum and early parenting. Our Jewish Postpartum Circle is a “Baby + Me” program that [...]

Tuesdays with Torah | Repentance, Apologies, and Forgiveness | Rabbi Hirsch

Wise Center, Zoom 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Rabbi Hirsch, Senior Rabbi Successor During the High Holy Days we focus our prayers and energy on t’shuvah, the process of repentance, enabling us to enter into a new year for goodness and blessing. Many use this time to repair relationships that have been fractured. Given its centrality to Yom Kippur, t’shuvah though is often [...]

Sukkot Evening Service

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Sukkot Evening Service with Rabbi Kamrass, Rabbi Hirsch, and Rabbi Goodman.