★ YoFI Rosh Hashanah

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

3:30 PM - Apple-themed snacks and New Years crafts 4:00 PM - Brief Rosh Hashanah worship experience Led by Rabbi Burke and Rabbi Goodman, this adorable service is geared especially toward our youngest cohort, infants through kindergarteners, with a special place for parents, older siblings, and grandparents. The brief service includes music, movement, and a [...]

Yom Kippur Evening Family Service for Grades 1-6

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Families with children grades 1-6 are invited to pray, sing, and reflect together in a service led by Aaron Torop, Rabbinic Fellow (story) and Rabbi Goodman; Betsy Singer-Lefton, cantorial soloist.

Yom Kippur Evening Service (Kol Nidre)

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Kamrass (sermon); Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Goodman (sermon); Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist.

Yom Kippur Morning Family Service for Grades 1-6

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Families with children grades 1-6 are invited to pray, sing, and reflect together in a service led by Rabbi Goodman; Betsy Singer-Lefton, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE

Yom Kippur Morning Service

Plum Street Temple 720 Plum St, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Service with Rabbi Kamrass (sermon) and Aaron Torop, Rabbinic Fellow; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist.

★ Yom Kippur Children’s Program (PreK – 2nd Grade)

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Children PreK (must be at least 4 years old) through 2nd Grade are invited to join us in the Open Room for holiday-themed stories, songs, and crafts. We will also enjoy some of Wise Center's outdoor spaces, weather permitting. REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Fee of $10 per child per holiday. Limited to first 45 member children.

Yom Kippur Morning Service

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Service with Rabbi Kamrass (sermon) and Rabbi Goodman; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE

Yom Kippur Afternoon Service

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE