Tuesdays with Torah: Jewish Vows in Jewish Texts

Wise Center Board Room 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Join Matthew Check, our new Director of Lifelong Learning, for an exploration of "making a vow" in Jewish Literature. The first week, we'll look at the story of Jonah and it's relationship to Yom Kippur. The second week, we'll look at the Nazarite Laws in the Book of Numbers and consider their collective religious and cultural [...]

Downtown Lunch and Learn

KMK Law One East Fourth St, 14th Floor (4th & Vine), Cincinnati

The Revival of the Hebrew Language in Pre-State Israel Matt Check, Director of Lifelong Learning Don’t miss this session on the fascinating history of the modern Hebrew language. Eliezer Ben Yehuda not only revived the ancient language, but did so in a way that included his entire nuclear family - for better and for worse. [...]

Antisemitism & the Fight for Democracy: A Conversation with Amy Spitalnick

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Amy Spitalnick will join us IN PERSON from Wise Center for a moderated conversation about her past, present, and future work, including the successful Charlottesville lawsuit, the new lawsuit against Patriot Front, and her goals for the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), where she currently serves as CEO. Join us at Wise Center or [...]

Yom Kippur Study Session

Plum Street Temple 720 Plum St, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Join Rabbinic Fellow, Aaron Torop for an informal study session on a topic of the season.

★ Wise Hybrid Learning: Social Issues of Israeli Society

Plum Street Temple, Wise Center, Zoom

Orly Erez-Likhovski, Executive Director, Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) Zoom from Wise Center, Plum Street Temple or home On Yom Kippur Day between our Morning and Afternoon Services, Orly Erez-Likhovski, Executive Director of the Reform movement’s Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC), will engage in conversation from Jerusalem with Rabbi Kamrass and all in attendance, sharing [...]

Tuesdays with Torah: A Jewish View of the Death Penalty

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Life and Death—It’s in the Courts, the Legislatures and the Talmud: A Jewish View of the Death Penalty Rabbi Lewis Kamrass Rabbi Kamrass will guide us through the complexities of capital punishment, including the clear statements in the Bible, examples like the Rabbinic/Talmudic major shift away from capital punishment, the use of the death penalty [...]

Talmud and Rabbinic Judaism Class

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Our first several sessions of Talmud and Rabbinic Judaism Class this year will explore the popular New York Times series known as “The Ethicist,” applying Rabbinic values and sources to discern a Jewish response to the ethical dilemmas posed in this column. Join us as Rabbi Kamrass leads us through the sources from Talmud and [...]