Hornstein Lecture: Rebuilding Jewish life in Krakow after the Holocaust

Union Terminal 1301 Western Ave, Cincinnati

Join us for the annual Stephen and Lusia Hornstein Lecture on the Holocaust and the Human Spirit at historic Union Terminal. This year’s featured speaker is Jonathan Ornstein, CEO of the Jewish Community Center (JCC) in Krakow. Ornstein will be speaking about his efforts to rebuild Jewish life in Poland, where he has served as [...]

Tuesdays with Torah: How We Read (and Misread) the Bible

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Most readers of the Bible tend to take it literally, in part because they want to take it seriously. Yet its words and lessons can seem conflicting, its theology confounding and its context too complex. But to read the Bible literally is to diminish its significance, for it was written by those who took life [...]

Talmud and Rabbinic Judaism Class

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

No prior knowledge is required for this course, but do bring your curiosity, questions and a desire to learn deeply. The ancient rabbis radically reshaped biblical Judaism to respond to new needs and to changing times. Their work through the centuries sets the foundation for the Judaism we currently practice. Learn about the Talmud, Midrash [...]

Wise Hybrid Learning

Wise Center & Zoom

Join us for a conversation about the state of Reform Judaism in Israel with Rabbi Ayala Samuels, the current chair of Maram: Council of Reform Rabbis in Israel. She will discuss with Rabbi Kamrass how the events of October 7th, 2023 and the war have affected rabbis of the movement as well as Reform congregational [...]

Tuesdays with Torah: How We Read (and Misread) the Bible

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Most readers of the Bible tend to take it literally, in part because they want to take it seriously. Yet its words and lessons can seem conflicting, its theology confounding and its context too complex. But to read the Bible literally is to diminish its significance, for it was written by those who took life [...]

Tuesdays With Torah: The Israeli Days of Awe: Yom HaShoah to Yom HaAtzmaut

Wise Center, Amberley

One could argue that Israel’s most important week every year is the 7 days that include Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron and end with Yom HaAtzmaut. On each of these holidays we commemorate important moments within the greater narrative of the Jewish people, while also learning about what it means to be Israeli. Join Matt Check [...]

Downtown Lunch and Learn

KMK Law One East Fourth St, 14th Floor (4th & Vine), Cincinnati

Who Wrote the Torah? Jamie Starr, Rabbinic Fellow From God to Moses to multiple writers and editors over time, there are abundant theories about the authorship of our central text, the Torah. Investigate some of these theories and discuss how the Torah can still be sacred and relevant to our lives today.

Tuesdays with Torah: Lost Artifacts: Beyond Indiana Jones

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Items from the ancient Temple in Jerusalem, such as the Ark of the Covenant and the Menorah, continue to animate Jewish thought long after their disappearance. Together we will explore what may (or may not) have happened to these items and discuss the symbolic significance of objects even after we no longer have them. Learn [...]

Talmud and Rabbinic Judaism Class

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

No prior knowledge is required for this course, but do bring your curiosity, questions and a desire to learn deeply. The ancient rabbis radically reshaped biblical Judaism to respond to new needs and to changing times. Their work through the centuries sets the foundation for the Judaism we currently practice. Learn about the Talmud, Midrash [...]

Tuesdays with Torah: The Spotify Playlist of Israeli Politics & History

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Israel has an amazing and unique musical tradition for its short 75 years of existence. Dive into some classics of the Israeli songbook in which the themes of the country’s history, politics and culture are expressed in fascinating ways that are particularly Israeli and Jewish.