Temple Funds


Rests on a solid foundation of worship, good deeds and community.

Our ancestors laid the cornerstone and many generations have built upon it. Our children and grandchildren will inherit it as a priceless legacy. It is our challenge to preserve and strengthen what past generations have built. Find your best ways to give.

Temple Funds are listed below. Expand each section to see the different aspects of temple life that you can support.

Our Funds

General Fund for Operating Expenses

Plum Street Temple Historical Preservation Fund

Susie York Wittenberg Fund for Grounds Beautification

Wise Center Building Fund

Prayerbook Fund

Edward Kanter Fund for Innovation

Orla Mielziner Camp Scholarships

Oscar Lerner Fund for college students (tuition assistance for college courses with Jewish context)

Bess Shavzin Library Fund

Judith S. Carsch Library Fund

Julian Vigran Library Fund

Aufsprung Fund for Adult Education

Barbara Glas Fund for Critical Topics

Chaiken Family Fund (funds for attendance at national and regional URJ Biennials)

Drs. Stephen & Lusia Hornstein Fund for Holocaust Remembrance

Gene & Neddie Mae Elkus Leadership Development Fund

Rabbi Kamrass’ Discretionary Fund

Rabbi Goodman’s Discretionary Fund

Rabbi Neil’s Discretionary Fund

Brenda & Sandy Herman Fund

Fine/Marshall/Allen Youth Fund for Scholarship & Travel

Ruth Strull Youkilis Youth & Social Justice Fund

GIVTY Temple Youth Program Fund

Natalie Feld Floral Fund

YES Fund (Youth, Education, Special Projects)

Wise Family Shelter & Soup Kitchen Fund

Kamrass Social Action Fund

Nancy Goodman Memorial Fund (teen growth and identity programs)

Wise Center Playground Fund

Wise Temple Youth Fund