Rabbi Lewis Kamrass
Rabbinic Leadership Fund


The Rabbi Lewis Kamrass Rabbinic Leadership Fund will be a special endowment to honor Rabbi Kamrass’ exceptional career and devotion to Wise Temple. The annual proceeds of this fund will allow our congregation to attract and retain the most talented rabbis, thus enabling our congregation to continue to innovate and flourish. This new fund, established in his name, will perpetuate Rabbi Kamrass’ vision and strengthen our congregation’s vibrancy through rabbinic excellence for generations to come.


Successful organizations do not come about by chance. They develop because of strategic investment and strong leadership. For the past 40 years, Isaac M. Wise Temple has been blessed to have the continuity and extraordinary leadership of Rabbi Lewis Kamrass. Rabbi Kamrass’ commitment to our congregational family, the local community, the larger Reform movement, Plum Street Temple, and Israel have created a profound sense of Jewish identity within our congregation and beyond. During his tenure, life cycle events have been elevated, spiritual and learning experiences have been enhanced, a strong culture of tikkun olam and social action have been established, and the financial security of our congregation has been strengthened.


Rabbi Kamrass’ retirement marks the end of an era at Wise Temple. In this historic time of transition for our congregation and in this challenging time for American Jewry more broadly, it is even more important that we continue to invest in supporting excellence of leadership and the creativity our rabbis bring to nurture our spiritual and communal life. This endowment fund in his name will honor Rabbi Kamrass’ legacy and strengthen Wise Temple’s unique place in the Cincinnati Jewish community and as a leading congregation in the Reform movement.  


Our goal is 100% participation from our congregational membership at any level that is most meaningful for you and your family. Donations can be paid at once or spread out over a period of up to five (5) years. We also invite friends from the Cincinnati community and across the country and the world who have been impacted by Rabbi Kamrass’ leadership over his career to honor him by supporting this new fund. We hope you will honor Rabbi Kamrass’ four decades of dedicated service by investing in the future of our congregation and its commitment to excellence in leadership. 


Join as a founding supporter of the Rabbi Lewis Kamrass Rabbinic Leadership Fund today.


  • Click here to make a one-time, credit card donation. Click on the red button on the “Donate” page for either members or guests of the temple.
  • On the donations page, under the “Fund” dropdown, choose * Rabbi Lewis Kamrass Rabbinic Leadership Fund * in the list of options. Complete the remaining questions to ensure your gift is properly acknowledged, and pay via Visa, Mastercard, or Discover. Unfortunately, we do not accept American Express.


  • If you prefer to pay via ACH (direct bank debit – no fee) or via an IRA, stock transfer, or other forms of payment, please contact our Executive Director, Jeff Stern, at 513-538-0592 or jstern@wisetemple.org to make arrangements.


  • Those who would like to spread their gift over a period of time are welcome to do so, with a maximum of five (5) years for pledges to be completed. To make your pledge, please complete our PLEDGE FORM, and send to Jeff Stern via email at jstern@wisetemple.org or by printing and mailing to 8329 Ridge Road | Cincinnati, OH 45236. While the temple welcomes deferred and planned/legacy gifts and appreciates the generosity of such support, deferral of funds toward this campaign will not be possible.


Make a meaningful gift that honors Rabbi Kamrass and invests in our congregation’s future.

  • $100,000 – Builder
  • $75,000 – Ambassador
  • $50,000 – Benefactor
  • $25,000 – Patron
  • $10,000 – Sustainer
  • $5,000 – Friend
  • Up to $5,000 – Contributor

Donations of $5,000+ receive acknowledgement on a special plaque commemorating the Rabbi Lewis Kamrass Rabbinic Leadership Fund campaign to be hung in Wise Center.

All donors receive:

  • Recognition for donation in 2025 emails to congregation, inviting them to “join us” in supporting the campaign
  • Recognition in digital signage:
    • Wise Center lobby throughout the year
  • At Rabbi Kamrass retirement events:
    • May 4: Street Party
    • May 16: Shabbat service
    • May 18: Dinner & Dancing at Music Hall
  • Recognition on the Rabbi Lewis Kamrass Rabbinic Leadership Fund website

Our goal is 100% participation from our congregational membership at any level that is most meaningful for you and your family. We hope you will honor Rabbi Kamrass’ four decades of dedicated service by investing in the future of our congregation and its commitment to excellence in leadership.   


Rabbi Lewis H. Kamrass is the Senior Rabbi of Isaac M. Wise Temple of Cincinnati, Ohio, where he has spent his entire rabbinate of forty years. Rabbi Kamrass is a Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude graduate of the University of Georgia in Sociology and Psychology, with a Master of Hebrew Letters and Rabbinic Ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, as well as recipient of an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree. He served for 25 years as an Instructor in the Theology Department of Xavier University and as adjunct faculty at Hebrew Union College.

In the national Reform movement, Rabbi Kamrass currently serves as the Immediate Past President of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the 2200-member international body of Reform Rabbis, and has served as Board Member of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and the Union for Reform Judaism. He was involved in the creation of the Reform movement’s two newest prayer books, serving on the CCAR’s Mishkan HaNefesh Editorial advisory committee, the Mishkan T’fillah Editorial team, and has also compiled Wise Temple’s congregational prayer book, Avodat HaLev. He was also a member of the team that drafted the CCAR’s 1999 Statement of Principles committee, on several committees, and previously served as Vice-President and President of the CCAR.

In the broader local community, Rabbi Kamrass has also served on the Boards of: Cincinnati Pre-School Promise, the Cincinnati Jewish Federation, Cincinnati Board of Rabbis, Cincinnati Jewish Community Relations Council, Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio, American Red Cross Cincinnati Chapter, Hospice of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Community Action Now, Family Services of Cincinnati and other community organizations. He has been active in local social action endeavors including establishing synagogue and Jewish community involvement in soup kitchens and homeless shelters and maintaining that involvement for 36 years. He has helped lead the growth and development of Wise Temple’s endowment fund and Plum Street Temple Historic Preservation Fund, as well been deeply involved in the ongoing preservation and maintenance of the historic Plum Street Temple.

Rabbi Kamrass is married to Renee Slotin Kamrass of Atlanta and they are the proud parents of three children and seven wonderful grandchildren.


Karen and Fred Abel
The Abrams Family
in honor of Lynn Moschel
Inez Allen
Robert and Cara Alpern
Mimi Amazon
Dr. Sandi and Dr. Steve Amoils
Courtney Anthony
Joni and Gary Askin
Herbert Behr
Linda and Andrew Berger & Family
Jacob, Chloe, and Matilda Bergman
Mr. James and Dr. Elana Bernstein
The Betagole Family
Rabbi Jonathan Blake
Robert and Elaine Blatt
Randal and Peter Bloch
Sarah and John Bloch & Family
Susan Brenner and Steven Mombach
Drew, Debbie and Nina Brown
Linda Bruggeman and Thomas Zeno
Cynthia Burgin
Lynn and David Callif
Janet Callif
Rachel and Rob Callif
Jon and Randi Chaiken
Mary and Frank Chaiken
in honor of Rosalind Pinks Chaiken
Rosalind Chaiken
in honor of Robert Chaiken
Kathy and Dr. Louis Claybon
Josh and Debbie Cohen
in memory of Sally Cohen
Judi and Dan Cohen
Mitchell and Morissa Cohen
Sally Cohen
Laura and Mike Dattner
Jennifer and Eric Dauer
Davidow/Harding/Schott Family
Dr. and Mrs. Mark and Teresa Deutsch
Anita and Dr. Murray Dock
Dianne Dunkelman
Dr. Stewart and Ellen Dunsker
Pat Dworkin
in memory of Marvin Dworkin
Fran Edelson
in memory of Marion Klebanow

Sharon Elikan and Binem Dizenhuz
Nancy and Steve Elkus
in memory of Helen Benjamin
Bonnie Esrig
Marjie and Jeff Fabe
Lori Fenner
Thomas P. and Barbara B. Ferrell
Elaine Fink and Robert Shapiro
Claire, Hallie and Sarah Fleisch
Joel and Barbra Fogel & Family
Steven and Bobbie Franklin
Mark, Lynn and Lily Freiberg
Barbara and Spencer Fried
James and Meredith Friedman
Jane Friedman
Rick and Mert Friedman
Sherri and Tedd Friedman
Dr. Stewart and Hindi Friedman
Lori and Jason Frischer
Susan and William Goldberg
Kathy and Jeff Goldenberg
Carrie and Ken Goldhoff
Buddy and Diane Goldstein
Jeff and Laura Goldstein
Karen and Richard Goodman
Rabbi Zachary Goodman
Madeleine Gordon *
Pam and Judge Brad Greenberg
Lesha and Samuel Greengus
in memory of our parents, Nina and Sam Bellows & Thelma and Eugene Greengus
Daniel and Natalie Grober
Ellyn and Israel Grober
Meryl Gruber and Bruce Maisel
Marvin and Ethel Guttenberg
Steve Gutter
Herb and Jean Haas
Elissa and Mitchell Habib
Sarah Habib and Eric Elias
Mindy Hastie and Tim Goldsmith
Rabbi Jonathan Hecht and Gladys Rosenblum
Shelley and Jason Heinen
Julie and Roger Heldman
Patti and Fred Heldman & Family
Paul Heldman and Deborah Kirshner
Owen and Debbie Herman
Rabbis Neil and Liz P.G. Hirsch
Elisa Hoffman and Sean Suder
Karen and David Hoguet
Phyllis Jackson and Martin Murray
Michael Jarnicki and Jessica Baer
Tara Johnson, Jacob and Sam Nitzberg, Becca and Jacob Foskuhl

Rabbi Samuel and Dori Joseph
Ken and Carol Kabel
Melissa and Scott Kadish
Eric and Allison Kahn & Family
Blair, Micah, David, Ava, and Levi Kamrass
Emma and Jared Kamrass
Rabbi Lewis and Renee Kamrass
Rabbi Ken and Toni Kanter
Mark and Marcy Kanter

Julie and Rick Kantor & Family
Marlene Kantor
Tammy and Eric Kantor
Andrea Kaplan

Howard and Stephanie Kaplan
Kathie and Donald Kaplan
Sherry and Mark Kaplan
Patricia Kaplan

Amy Katz and Robert Cohen
Arlene and Bill Katz
Chuck and Margie Kessel
Dr. Richard and Mona Kerstine
Margo and Elliot Kirstein & Family
Lois Klein
Robert and Marcy Klein & Family
Ellen and Mark Knue & Family
Geri and Andy Kolesar
Sunny and Landon Krantz
in honor of Deb and Michael Steinbuch
Bradley and Sevilay Kuhr
Susan and Roy Kulick
Sarah and Greg Landsman
Jody and Jeffrey Lazarow
Bruce Lazarus and Phil Weintraub
Harriet and Alan Lazarus
Laura and Jeff Leonard
Rabbi Dan Levin
Beth and Richard Levy

Michael and Beth Lewis & Family
Lipson, Jubelirer & Auer Families
Barbara and William Liss
Eddie and Ina Loftspring
Randy and Bonnie Loftspring
Logan Family
Lesley and Martin Loon
Kim Lukin
Marcia and Bob Lukin
Rachel Lyon
Jacqueline M. Mack and Edward B. Silberstein, MD
Melissa and Ken Mailender
Shari and Jonathan Mann
Julie and Craig Margolis
Melvin E. Marmer
Jon Marshall
Steven and Sharon Marshall
Elizabeth, Jeremy and Zack Mason
Elizabeth Masterson
Marla Mazer
in memory of Terrence Mazer

Barb and Tom McGrath
Lizabeth and Paul McOsker
Erica and Douglas Messer
Dr. Glen and Margie Meyer
The Michelman Family
Bryna and Greg Miller
Charles and Judi Miller
Ann and Howard Mintz & Family
Mark and Sharon Natarus
Kristi Nelson and Stewart Goldman
Mark and Sarah Newman
The Newton Family
Matt Nitzberg
The Oestreicher Family
Karen and Ben Palatchi
Phoebe and Alex Pardo
Eve Pearl
in honor of my children and grandchildren
Barbara and Alvin Pearlman
Allan and Terry Peck & Family
Dr. Steven Perlman, M.D.
in memory of Dr. Susan W. Perlman, M.D.
Anne and Martin Pinales
Judi and Steve Pollak
Nancy and Charlie Postow
Sandy and David Rachmiel
Jonathan and Laura Rapp & Family
Dr. Michael and Andrea Rapp
Raskin Family
Danielle and Ken Revelson
Cathy York Richards
Debbie Ridenour & Family
Jennifer and Bob Ringel
Allan and Dian Robinson
Sara Rollman and Jeff Schneider
Alan Rosenberg
Dianne and J. David Rosenberg
Marvin and Elaine Rosenberg
Carol and Roger Rosenthal
Cindy Rovai
Naomi and Scott Ruben
Rick and Julie Ruskin
Josephine Russo and Len Shambon
in memory of Thomas Stanley Wides
Sacks Family
Dr. Richard S. Sarason and Anne Arenstein
Lauren Scharf
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Andrea Scheiber
Rachel Schild
in honor of Seth Dujan
in memory of Elaine Dumes
Drs. Michael and Jeanne Schmerler
in honor of our children and grandchildren

Betsy Schwartz
Jonathan Schwartz and Shelly Schadick
Peter Schwartz
T.L. and Debra Schwartz Foundation
in memory of Theodore L. Schwartz
Rabbi Ronald Segal
Sharon and Robert Selickman
Charles Shor
Rabbi Judith L. Siegal
Paige and David Silver
Beth Silverman and Tom Gelwicks
Nancy and John Silverman
Karen and John Sim
David and Jean Simmons & Family
Mary Lee and H. Louis Sirkin
Susan Jay and David Lee Smith
Lauren and Robert Smyjunas
David and Jennifer Snyder
Jacqueline and Richard Snyder
Gail and David Spivack
Rick Stamler and Betsy Rabkin
The Stein Family
Debra and Michael Steinbuch
The Steiner Family
Barbara and Ron Stern
Gail Weintraub Stern
in memory of Helen Benjamin
Sandy and Peter Stern
Beth Stone and Jack McGlasson
Jill and Brad Strauss
in honor of Jared Kamrass
Susan Stripe
Drs. Les and Robyn Suna
Terry and Stuart Susskind
Dr. Alan and Shelley Tarshis
Kim and Dan Toole
Ann and Bob Unger
Ellen and Ray van der Horst
Lindi and Adam Vernick
Chessie Vigran
Suzanne Voos
Barbara and Tom Waldron
Eric Wall and Barbara Levy-Wall
Alex and Lynn Warm
Brian Swift and Gayle Warm & Family
Briana and Jake Warm
Sydney Warm and David Tasner
Robert A. Weil & Family
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Weinstein
Shirley Weinstein
Amy and David Weiskopf & Family
Herb Weiss and Elaine Lazarus & Family
Sherri and Mark Weiss & Family
Julie and Russell Wilson & Diane Katsanis
in honor of Elissa and Mitchell Habib
Wise Temple Brotherhood
Allan Winkler and Sara Penhale
David and Nancy Wolf
Women of Wise
Abbie and John Youkilis
Karen Young and Dr. Leonard Kanterman
Susan and Jeffrey Zakem
Margo and Alan Zeff
Stefani and Dr. Gary Zola