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Tuesdays with Torah | Jewish Care:What it is and why should I care?

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Wise Center, Zoom | 8329 Ridge Road, Amberley Village

Tuesdays with Torah | Jewish Care:What it is and why should I care?

Care is a strange word. We know care when we see it, but it is hard to define. We give care and we receive it. We care about ideals and principles. Sometimes it is nice not to have a care in the world. In Hebrew, there are several words that we could use when one talks about care, and in Jewish tradition, we give care by visiting the sick, comforting those in mourning, and taking part in tikkun olam. It ends up, there is a lot more to understanding what care is and what it isn’t. In this two-part learning series, join Rabbi Hirsch to learn all about care, and why we should care about caring.


Contact Celeste Lawler at 513.793.2997 or clawler@wisetemple.org