Q: Are the timing and logistics of Sunday mornings at Wise going to change?
A: No. Based on information gathered during focus groups, Sunday mornings are the best time for Wise Temple families to participate in Jewish education. We will still gather at Wise Center on Sunday mornings from 9:15-11:45 a.m.
Q: What about social programming?
A: The first through fifth grade social programs that used to take place on Sunday afternoons following religious school will now be integrated into the Sunday morning experience. Students in sixth through eighth grades will also participate in some social programs on Sunday mornings while having additional social opportunities at other times. Building social programs into our Sunday mornings ensures that the largest possible number of students will participate in these important community-building opportunities!
Q: Will there still be madrichim?
A: Yes, absolutely! Our high school students will still be an integral part of the Sunday morning program. Not only will they assist our teachers and serve as important role models for our students, the madrichim will also take on a role similar to that of camp counselors in helping to guide our students through the new enrichment experiences.
Q: How will family programming fit into this new model?
A: Family education experiences will continue to be built into the Sunday morning program. Family Shabbat will still take place on the first Friday of each month during the school year, and favorite family engagement programs such as the Family Camp Experience will continue to be offered.
Other Questions? Contact Courtney Anthony, Director of Education at canthony@wisetemple.org or 513.538.0373.
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